Heather Dubrow - Real Housewives Chart Reading
Real Housewife of Orange county two times over, Heather Dubrow, was born 54 years ago today, January 5. The former Malibu County star was born in the Bronx in 1969, revealing that she is a Capricorn Sun and a Leo Moon. Without an exact birth time, we can’t get too specific, but there is still plenty to see. Her intense and polarizing persona on the Real Housewives of Orange County is written all over her chart. So let’s dive in, shall we?
RHOC Astrology Chart
Heather is known for being the polished/uppity and high class/snobby housewife which at its most basic level can be attributed to her Capricorn Sun. This is also where you’ll find the roots of her ambition. She started out wanting to be an actress and found modest success, but to reach a higher status she had to switch direction and marry a leather jacket wearing plastic surgeon. This brought wealth and eventually led to fame later in life with RHOC. She exemplifies Capricorn’s slow and steady climb to the top of the mountain. Even when we thought she was done with the show, it turns out she kept climbing and ended up back on our screens.
We can see her desire to be in the spotlight through her Leo Moon. This combo is all about wanting to be loved. At its most base, it just wants to be looked at. We definitely stare at her and those gloves, but we also see she was loved enough to be brought back. Seeing that cold mansion didn’t really fill my cup, but I’m sure the people at Bravo were thrilled to have her back.
Now let’s look at her Saturn squaring her Sun. Her Saturn is in Aries, bringing rigidity by force to her personality. This is where I see her need to be in control of the narrative and her actual life.
Side bar - the fact that she wasn’t fired immediately for going off screen to have a complete raging meltdown after learning that her friend almost sued Terry is unforgivable. That is what we want to see! Literally no one thinks you are cool, calm, and collected. And if you do not allow us to witness the messes in your life, then you do not deserve to have your etched glass bird window so lovingly filmed. (And I guess they’ve sold it)
Anyway, back to the chart. Her status consciousness and demand for respect (Sun in Capricorn) and her need for structure at all costs (Saturn in Aries) actually work quite well together. She clearly knows how to get what she wants. However if something doesn’t go the way she wants, like when you are getting challenged in a Sushi restaurant by a truly atrocious human being, then everything falls apart. It doesn’t appear that she has found any coping mechanisms for this aspect.
Also note her Mars in Scorpio, which can indicate that her drive and ambition runs really deep. Typically, I would say that in Scorpio, this would show a tendency for turning inward and battling your own psyche, but I don’t think that is the case with Heather. I think she is working from a place of everything with her is perfect and everyone else is the problem. But who knows what she really feels deep down.
Thank you Heather Dubrow for brining a jolt of energy to the Real Housewives, even if I didn’t particularly enjoy it. I talk about some other planets and aspect in the video so please watch. Please?