“I really enjoyed Karen's astrological reading for me and I learned a lot, I recommend her! I didn't know my birth time so I definitely recommend trying to acquire that as it affects what areas of your life certain influences will be taking place; but I was surprised that even without it there was a lot she was able to see and communicate to me.
The way she framed the overall theme of my life based on the Sun sign's axis was new to me even though I read about my Sun and rising sign pretty often. The axis of it, and aspects to other planets, was very personal and resonated; there's a therapeutic aspect to learning about the squares and oppositions etc, and just making note of it (literally: write notes! There's a lot to cover.)I love that in astrology there is focus beyond personality, towards life path or career and what obstacles or strengths illuminate those paths--or callings outside of career- and she helped me think about those areas as well. Having your exact birth time rather than an estimation of one as I had, would be very helpful to further explore that question and anything related to the houses.
Book Karen! She's very sweet and communicative about this neat exploration.”
-Sasha V.